This site is for us to post some of our most favorite recipes, kind of like our own personal cookbook online... We share recipies we've tried and loved. Some have links to where they originated from and some are left unknown but are still delicious!
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Tracy's Hot Rolls

1 c shortening
¾ c sugar
2 tsp salt
4 eggs
1 c boiling water
1 c cold water
2 tbs yeast
½ c warm water
8 c flour

Combine shortening, sugar and salt in hot water Stir until dissolved. Stir in cold water Add eggs, (stir in spearate small bowl the yeast and warm water). When dissolved pour into the large bowl with other ingredients. Add flour 2 cups at a time, mixxing each well. Let rise. Roll into golf size balls, place on cookie sheet. Let rise until light. Bake at 350 for 15 min. or until light brown.

Recipe Donated By: Tracy Redd

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